17th Annual Culumber Classic

All funds raised during this event fund the John Culumber Memorial Scholarship fund and the Shelby County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship fund.
Over $29,000 was brought in for the 2024 Culumber Classic Golf Outing!

Create a team
A team consists of four members. Choose from one of four categories for your team to compete in. Registration fee: $75 per golfer.
Family Team - a foursome of immediate family
Farmer Team - a foursome of farmers and farm wives
Foursome Team - any combination of players
Senior Team - a foursome whose ages collectively add up to 250 years or more.

make a monetary donation or prize donation
All monetary donations to the Shelby County Farm Bureau Foundation are tax-deductible through our 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit.
All proceeds go towards the John Culumber Memorial Scholarship and Shelby County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship.
Donations can be dropped off or mailed to:
Shelby County Farm Bureau Foundation
1361 State Highway 128
Shelbyville, IL 62565
Since 2009, in scholarships have been awarded to students in Shelby County through the Culumber & SCFBF Scholarship Funds.
Supporting the John Culumber Scholarship fund and Shelby County Farm Bureau Scholarship fund is simple! Register and participate in any of our events or make a monetary dontation to the Shelby County Farm Bureau Foundation.
We have engaging contests for winners!
Top two teams in each of the four categories
Men's Proxies
Closest to the Pin
Longest Drive
Longest Putt
Women's Proxies
Closest to the Pin
Longest Drive
Longest Putt
Hole In One Contest
The John Culumber Golf Classic was created to establish a means of raising funds to award High School seniors and college students pursing a career with an intention to impact the agriculture community. The golf outing and scholarship fund is in memory of John Culumber and his love for golf. The funds that are raised during this event go towards the John Culumber Scholarship and the Shelby County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship!
Family Team - a foursome of immediate family members (father, mother, son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or grandparent)
Farmer Team - a foursome of farmers and farm wives
Foursome Team - any combination of players
Senior Team - a foursome whose ages collectively add up to 250 years or more
Perfect Golf Event for the whole family or for your business to sponsor! Use this opportunity to help take a financial burden off local students who strive to make an impact in our agriculture community!